Analog Helper is freely distributed as trial software. You are permitted to evaluate it for 28 days before discarding it, or purchasing a license. When Analog Helper is purchased, all of the output reports will be enabled.
You must purchase one license for each computer on which Analog Helper is used. Licenses can be purchased with the enclosed Register Analog Helper program, using a page on the World Wide Web, or via telephone. Payment may be made by cash, cheque, VISA, MasterCard, American Express or First Virtual.
Current pricing is $25 for a single-CPU license. There is excellent discount pricing available for multiple-license purchases; the Register Analog Helper application includes pricing for up to 20 licenses - for higher-volume pricing, please contact us at
Purchasing a registration on the World Wide Web
窶「 Click on Purchase via Web in the About Analog Helper dialog box or go to
窶「 Wait for the Web browser to load up the page.
窶「 Enter name, address and eMail details (required) into the fields provided.
窶「 Specify the number of licenses of Analog Helper that you require.
窶「 Follow the rest of the instructions on the Web page.
Purchasing a registration using the register program
窶「 Click on Purchase via Software in the about dialog box or run the enclosed Register Analog Helper application.
窶「 Enter name, address and eMail details (required) into the fields provided.
窶「 Specify how many licenses are required.
窶「 Enter payment details in the area provided.
窶「 Save, copy or print out the information, and forward to Kagi (as detailed below) for processing.
If you are sending the purchase via eMail :
窶「 Click Copy to copy the order, and paste into an eMail message.
窶「 Send to
If you are sending the purchase via mail :
窶「 Click Print to print the order, or Save to save to a file for printing later.
窶「 Send to Kagi, 1442-A Walnut Street #392-BX, Berkeley, California, 94709-1405, USA.
If you are sending the purchase via fax :
窶「 Click Print to print the order, or Save to save to a file for printing later.
窶「 Fax to (US) 510 652-6589.
Purchasing a registration via telephone
窶「 Call (US) 510 658-5244, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
窶「 Follow the instructions on the telephone.
窶「 If you require more than one license of Analog Helper, say so clearly.
窶「 Clearly state your name, address, and eMail address (required).
窶「 Telephone orders have a handling charge of $5.
Delays and Problems
Registrations may take up to a week to process, once they have been received by Kagi. Once payment has been processed, the license codes will be sent via eMail; multiple licenses will be indicated. If you have heard nothing within two weeks of ordering, or if there are any other problems, please contact Thank you.